Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hello to my very few readers!  Sorry I have been on quite the hiatus lately.  Reason being....

1.  I was on a nine day cruise.  Where did I go, you ask...  To the seventh circle of hell.  That may be a future post but for now I'm still recovering from the nightmare...

2.  I've been in a funk.  For various reasons I've had no motivation to do anything.  Well, except for watch Lifetime Christmas movies and play with my kids.

3.  I'm getting things straight in my head and planning some next step/big things.  I really want to revamp/expand my blog and also I'm working on getting a side buisness up and going.  Can't share all the details at the moment, but I'll keep you posted, I promise!

Writing updates:

Never heard back from the initial agents I queried, so I sent out two more query letters yesterday.  Keep your fingers crossed.  I can't wait to be a famous author who humbly recounts her rejection stories!!!!  Just hope I don't have to survive too many rejections...